Goal: remove money and bartering from our single planet such that the world becomes a planet where money and the power of ownership just does not matter; specifically, a planet where the only currency is altruism.
Underlying question: given that as far back as 1516 and perhaps even earlier, the subject of a better world as, for example, Sir Thomas More's "Utopia", why is it that citizens of the world have yet to come close the what many of us might consider to be an ideal planet for the majority of its people, animals, and environment?
Unverified, likely true or mostly true:
– people in certain First World countries can not afford life-saving medicines and medical procedures,
– 10% of persons in the U.S.A. actively experience food insecurity.
– in the U.S.A. marginalised populations are more likely to be disproportionately incarcerated; African Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and Native Americans have some of the highest rates of incarceration.
– the population of planet earth is out of control
– climate change is both real and life threatening
– US$10000 million could have bought and stored enough personal protective equipment for everyone on the planet pre-COVID-19 pandemic; lack of preparedness is costing the planet probably 100 times that or more in 2020 alone on top of the 600000+ deaths already in mid-2020.
– 40% of the half million homeless persons in the U.S.A. are unsheltered.
– Third World populations are much worse off.
We can make a planet no money planet if "we" commit ourselves to fairness for all of the owners of planet earth: persons, animals, environment!